Reliance Jio is planning to launch a 4G-enabled feature phone that could be priced as low as Rs 1,500. According to a report in Financial Express. Jio is already in talks with Chinese manufacturers to source these phones. For Jio affordable smartphones could significantly boost the number of users on its network given there aren’t many options of Rs 1,500 4G-VoLTE feature phone available in the market.
It has also asked for a few engineering samples from Chinese contract phone makers. Usually, after the engineering samples get tested and verified commercial order are placed by a company. Jio incidentally has its own line-up of LYF branded phones but even the cheapest device costs around Rs 3,000. A new feature phone at half the price.
A 4G VoLTE phone Jio importance in the market will grow because it totally depends on 4G network for calling, mobile data and more. Generally, feature phones are known to support 2G or 3G speeds but with the introduction of 4G. It will attract a lot of new customers who couldn’t afford it before this.
Jio 4G VoLTE Feature Phone with Rs1500 Coming soon.
Reviewed by Varun Singh Nayal
May 03, 2017
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