Nokia 3310 is launching in India and will officially be available in stores from May 18 at a price of Rs 3,310. HMD Global, the company that is bringing back Nokia-branded phones in the market, is banking on nostalgia to generate some interest around the brand.
Released in 2000, the original Nokia 3310 sold 126 million units worldwide. It achieved cult status due to its impressively long battery life, durability, and the addictive game Snake.
Nokia 3310 will support the 900 and 1,800 MHz bands and will come in a dual-SIM variant (via microSIM) alongside a single SIM one. The device will run Nokia Series 30+ software and will sport a 2.4-inch curved display with a colour QVGA display panel sporting an effective resolution of 240×320. The 3310 will also come with a 2 MP camera module on the back along, with an LED Flash.
HMD Global has added a microUSB port, a 3.5 mm headphone jack, Bluetooth v3.0 with SLAM, a microSD card with support up to 32 GB capacity as connectivity options for the 3310. Nokia SLAM is a file transfer mechanism that uses NFC and Bluetooth to transfer files. The phone will be available in four colours in two types of finishes. You can go for a Warm Red or Yellow in a gloss finish and a Dark Blue or Grey in a matte finish.
The Nokia 3310 is not competing with any smartphone in terms of specifications. Being a feature phone, battery life is expectedly amazing. HMD Global, the company that operates Nokia’s mobile division now, estimates that the Nokia 3310 will provide a standby time of up to 25.6 days, a talk time of up to 22.1 hours, MP3 playback time of up to 51 hours and FM radio playback of up to 39 hours.
Nokia 3310 Come back launched in India at Rs.3310.
Reviewed by Varun Singh Nayal
May 17, 2017
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