Hacker Steal $7 Million Worth of Ethereum.

The hottest trend in cryptocurrency was just dealt a serious blow.

But the hack, which redirected $7 million worth of ether tokens, provides a reason for folks to be skeptical of the red-hot investment vehicle."Investors had been instructed to pay with ethereum and send funds to the token sale's smart contact address. In an email, CoinDash said it appeared that the sending address was hacked and changed to a fraudulent address," Bloomberg's Arnold wrote.Wall Street skeptics were quick to cite the rapid appreciation of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ether tokens as one reason why intial coin offerings are a bad concept. David Rutter, a Wall Street vet who heads R3CEV, a fintech startup, previously told Business Insider.

Hacker Steal $7 Million Worth of Ethereum. Hacker Steal $7 Million Worth of Ethereum. Reviewed by Varun Singh Nayal on July 18, 2017 Rating: 5

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